Recent Course Syllabi
Sociological and Historical Perspectives on Gender and Labor (PhD Programs in History and Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2024)
Perspectives on the Labor Movement (M.A. in Labor Studies, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, Fall 2023)
Labor and Race in the 20th Century United States (PhD Programs in History and Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Fall 2022)
Sociology of Work and Inequality (PhD Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2021)
Sociology of Labor and Labor Movements (PhD Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2020)
Labor and Immigration (M.A. in Labor Studies, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, Fall 2019)
Change and Crisis in Universities (Futures Initiative, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2018 - team-taught with Katherine K. Chen)
Labor and Inequality: Gender, Race, Class, Immigraiton and the New Precariat (PhD Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2017)
Labor and Social Movements (PhD Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Fall 2015 - team-taught with James Jasper)
Women, Work and Public Policy (PhD Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Fall 2013 - team-taught with Janet Gornick)
Toward a New Labor Movement? Community-Based Organizations, Unions, and Worker Centers in New York City (Ph.D. Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2011 - team-taught with Ed Ott)
Union Organizing: History, Dynamics and Future Prospects (Union Leadership and Administration Program, Labor Studies, UniversIty of Massachusetts - Amherst, Summer 2010)
Sociology of Labor and Labor Movements (Ph.D. Program in Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2010)
Feminist Theory (Sociology and Women’s Studies, UCLA, Fall 2009)